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(Average claim worth £3,114)

It only takes a minute to check

We’ve been successful in claiming back over


in compensation!

How it works


Check now, to see if you could be owed thousands!

Completing this FREE online
check takes less than 1 minute!

We will carry out a comprehensive check to see if you are eligible for compensation and identify which bank/lender qualify for potential complaints.

If we find a lender has failed to act fairly, broken the rules or regulations, you could be due compensation!


We’ve compiled a list of answers to common questions

If you know that you have had PPI on either a credit card or loan that you’ve taken out since 2007, you automatically qualify. If the credit card or loan was taken before 2007 but you continued paying after 2008 we can still investigate your claim.

PPI on mortgages can only be checked if the mortgage was taken out pre 31/10/2004.

If your complaint is unsuccessful you pay absolutely nothing, there is no upfront cost and we work on a strict No Win No fee basis.

Possibly, yes on both. You may have received only a partial repayment for your PPI. Your claim may have been rejected for mis-selling but there may be commission on the premium that is payable. Even if your claim was previously rejected, we can still look into a Plevin claim on your behalf. If you have only been paid the commission side, then we can look to recover more money for you.

We work on a strict No Win No Fee basis. We will charge you a fee only if we are successful.

If we are unsuccessful, there is no fee payable. Again, this is subject to your Damage Based Agreement being adhered to.

For further information on our fees, please refer to our Damage Based Agreement and Key Facts.

You can cancel for free at any time within 14 days of submitting your online check, subject to our cancellation policy found within the Terms of Business.

Yes you can. If you have multiple credit cards or loans that had PPI, you can make a claim for all of them.

To issue proceedings against bank for an unfair relationship claim, you will need to be represented by legal firm. By using a paid service, you are ensuring you will get the best possible outcome, full support along the way, and we will appeal any case should we need to.

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