Terms & Conditions

BlackLion Law LLPmay perform a credit check as part of our investigations into your claim. This is a soft credit check. This will have no impact on your credit score or any future credit applications. Soft searches are not visible to any companies or lenders.

Terms and Conditions

This website is provided by BlackLion Law LLP. Access to and use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions. By accessing this website you confirm your acceptance of these terms and conditions of use. BlackLion Law LLP reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and will not be obliged to notify you of any such changes. You are therefore advised to check these terms and conditions regularly and that your continued use of the website following any such change indicates your acceptance of the new terms.

Private use limitation

This website is for your own private, non-commercial use only. You are specifically prohibited from modifying, copying, distributing, transmitting, displaying, performing, reproducing, publishing, licensing, creating derivative works, transferring or selling any information, software, products or services contained here.

You are solely responsible for evaluating the accuracy and completeness of the information, services, systems, articles and data published (“content”). The content is intended for general information only and should not be construed as advice nor should it be relied on in any individual circumstances.

Limitation of liability and disclaimer

Nothing in this website constitutes legal advice and is only intended as general guidance. The information and opinions expressed on this website should not be relied on or used as a substitute for legal advice.

All reasonable endeavours have been taken to ensure that content is accurate. However, BlackLion Law LLP do not represent or make any warranty in respect of the accuracy or completeness of any of the information. Furthermore, BlackLion Law LLP do not warrant, represent or endorse the accuracy or completeness of any information provided by third parties and shall not be liable for any information displayed on this site that has been provided by a third party.

BlackLion Law LLP website is designed for use by UK residents and the information contained within it relates to the laws of England and Wales.

This website is provided by BlackLion Law LLP on an ‘as is’ basis. BlackLion Law LLP expressly disclaims any and all warranties, expressed or implied, to the fullest extent permitted by law, including, without limitation, any warranties for the information, data services, interrupted use, errors, omissions, delays, termination of service, loss of data for any reason, fitness for purpose and infringement of third parties’ property rights.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and except in respect of death or personal injury arising from BlackLion Law LLP negligence, BlackLion Law LLP hereby excludes liability for any claims, loss, demands or damages or any kind whatsoever with respect to this website, including, without limitation, any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damages, whether arising from loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of data, loss of use or otherwise, the foregoing will apply whether such claims, loss or damages arise in tort, contract, negligence under statute or otherwise. If you are a consumer, your statutory rights are not affected.

Terms of use

BlackLion Law LLP may provide an opportunity for you to contribute your ideas, comments, questions and other communications within message boards, chat rooms, email and other features. You may not use these systems to perform illegal or immoral activities. The following activities are not permitted on, or in connection with, this website:

  • Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others.
  • Transmit any material that contains computer code designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment, e.g. software viruses.
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  • You acknowledge that personal information disclosed by you on any community is disclosed at your own risk and may be used by others.
  • BlackLion Law LLP reserves the right to terminate your access to this website or its systems without notice for any reason whatsoever.
  • BlackLion Law LLP reserves the right to pass on your details together with copies of any postings in the event that it is required to do so by any statutory authority or you breach any of these terms and conditions.
  • BlackLion Law LLP may at any time monitor any such message boards, chat rooms and so forth but does not do so on a continuous basis and cannot therefore be held liable for any postings made. BlackLion Law LLP may at any time remove any posting that it believes is inappropriate or infringes any of the regulations above. If you see any postings which you consider to be inappropriate, please contact BlackLion Law LLP to report the post and BlackLion Law LLP will take appropriate action.

Privacy policy

In order to complete a comprehensive check on your behalf, by clicking submit you give us permission to carry out a soft credit check in order to ascertain if lenders have acted irresponsibly towards yourself, this does not affect your credit score and also does not affect future lending in any way shape or form and the only parties this is visible to is yourself and us. If after submission of your check you require a copy of this (credit report) for your own personal records simply email info@claimlionlawgenius.com.

Personal information collected

No personal information is collected when browsing web pages or using systems within this site unless you specifically require us to contact you and you decided to provide your information via an application which requires personal information to be entered.


Email addresses are required in order to send enquiries or register for features such as newsletters. All emails contain instructions to unsubscribe where appropriate.

Disclosure to third parties

We will not disclose your email address, name, postal address or any data that could identify you to a third party without first receiving your permission.


BlackLion Law LLP takes steps to ensure that your information is treated securely. However, the Internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that personal information you have entered will not be intercepted by others and will not be liable in the event this does occur. Any information you transmit to us is done so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we will use our best efforts to ensure its security on our systems.

Right to prevent processing for the purposes of direct marketing

Users who subscribe to BlackLion Law LLP information, which may contain direct marketing material, can cancel their subscription to these services. BlackLion Law LLP does not currently have any plans to approach users with direct marketing, other than through these systems. BlackLion Law LLP will not disclose your email address to third parties or use it in any way for direct marketing other than for sending newsletters to which users choose to subscribe.

Links to third party Web sites

Links from this website to third party websites are provided for convenience only. BlackLion Law LLP is not responsible for the content, accuracy or availability of the information provided on a third party site, nor is BlackLion Law LLP liable in the event any link fails to operate. Inclusion of such links does not imply an endorsement or recommendation by BlackLion Law LLP of the content on such sites or any association with their operators.

Copyright and trademark notices

Unless otherwise stated, BlackLion Law LLP own the copyright in this website and its contents.  You may print information contained in this website for your personal use only.  No part of this website may be published, transmitted, reproduced or stored on another website or in any other electronic form without obtaining prior permission from BlackLion Law LLP.  BlackLion Law LLP should be acknowledged as the source of the material in all cases.

BlackLion Law LLP reserve the right to prohibit any link from another website to materials or information on this website. Additionally, you may not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, alter, amend or adapt any part of this website or any software contained within it.


These terms of service are governed by the laws of England. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. These terms of service constitute the entire agreement between you and BlackLion Law LLP and govern your use of this website. Any failure by BlackLion Law LLP to exercise or enforce any rights shall not constitute a waiver of such rights. If any provision of these terms of service are found by a court to be invalid, you nevertheless agree that the court should endeavour to give effect to the intentions of the parties as reflected in the terms and the other provisions of these terms shall remain in full force and effect.

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